Pests and


Plant Diseases

Plant Pathology (recorded  webinar)
Dr. Lina Rodriguez-Salamanca, Iowa State University

Ohio State University Pathology Departments Disease Facts

Plant Disease Identification Guide (website)
From West Virginia University Extension

Pest Insects

Pest and Beneficial Insect Profiles (by pest or vegetable)
At VegEdge from University of Minnesota


Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

What is IPM?
From  Entomological Society of America

Smart Gardening: Integrated pest management in vegetable gardens
From Michigan State University Extension

VegEdge: Vegetable IPM Resource for the Midwest
From University of Minnesota Extension Service

Natural Enemy Field Guide (PDF flyer)
"Natural Enemies are beneficial organisms that provide biological control, or natural pest control"
Great Lakes Vegetable Working Group

State Management Programs for Specific Pests

Gypsy Moth in Ohio